Thursday 13 June 2024

The Origin of Ki


The Origin of KI

Man is still on the edge of the source of the ripple in the proverbial pond of space, and infinity. We are still part of this miracle of nature, this creation that is forever changing form. The human body too consists of cells that are eternally changing forms or concepts of nature that manifest in the Universe. We perceive these cells as dying, replaced with new ones to sustain life. Although cells are, "dying" the Ki still remains and plays a part in the birth of the new ones. On a larger scale, the human body also changes its form when the Ki of the life force is removed and depleted through a lack of proper configuration of the Universal Energies, Cosmic Energy, and Earth Energy. Without the binding qualities of these energies the human form, all life forms on earth breaks down into what we call death. Cosmic Energy is the binding force and balance that is crucial to the essence of existence.

We, are not extinguished into nothingness but only blended with the Universal Ki or Great Emptiness, which manifests as the “Oneness” in the three energies of the Universe. Our bodies return to feed the earthly elements of the Universe - the purpose of joining with our original Ki while we have the "physical" bodies. We are born with this pure energy as hereditary Ki given to us in the act of love of our parents, (the yin of female and the yang of the male). The combination of their genes and DNA passed on at birth, even though we now use our own concept of time instead of nature. However, nature has adapted to cater to these changes so that the cycle of Ki can still evolve. By the time we reach adolescence, we have come to rely on acquired Ki, which comes from the food we consume and the air we breathe. "Acquired" Ki is the energy we derive from the food we eat which is the “Ki” that is removed from the plants and animals that are "killed" to satisfy our hunger. Even the purity of “this acquired” Ki, can be tampered with by the additives and preservatives and listed in the small print on the backs of bottles and tins.

Slowly people are realizing the existence of Ki, Chi, or whatever name we refer to this "Universal Energy", is relevant to the existence of life and for humanity to continue to evolve. Perhaps, they have experienced in moments of crisis, an inner strength, which they can no longer be justified as just adrenaline, but as an energy to be “accessed” at any time. The human being has evolved an "intelligence" far beyond his fellow animals and this fact alone is crucial in understanding the principles of Universal Laws. There is a Taoist belief that offers an explanation, as to why man has developed this high level of intellect in comparison to other life forms.

Human beings were one of the first forms to evolve into the upright position, i.e., the ability to walk upright and carry out daily tasks in this position. This evolvement allowed better access to the Ki that manifests in the three major forms of energy, Universal Energy, Cosmic Energy, and Earth Energy, respectively. Earth energy is absorbed through the soles of the feet, while Universal energy - from the tops of our heads. The result of these two energies gives us our life's "force" which we store in our "Hara" (“Seika Tanden” is the center of the Hara, found just below our belly button!). Exercises movements, and forms have been “created”, to allow us to become a link or channel between "heaven" and "earth". Correct posture through a healthy body helps to channel these energies in either direction. Our upright posture has led to a better-developed mind and consciousness because it offers a direct path for these two energies to merge. It is important to note that bad postures, unhealthy bodies, and even a bad mind lead to a decline in our life's energy even to the point of our Ki depleting within us so we have an early "death". Other life forms tend to place more emphasis on having more than two limbs to live, which in turn, forces them to adopt postures that do not offer an ideal exchange of energies. Earth energy is absorbed through the soles of the feet, but cannot ascend, in the normal way, instead, it travels to the tail and is wasted. The Earth energy absorbed through the "extra" limbs, which remain in contact with the ground does not generate enough energy to develop the intellect but instead "develops" the physical. Nature abounds with creatures that possess great strength in comparison,- to their size, weight, and structure. They have learned to survive by developing their physical attributes, whereas in contrast man is relatively weak and cannot even cope with the intellect he is graced with. However bizarre this explanation may seem; it does fit into the Tao way of thinking and is gaining support from those searching for the meaning of life and personal enlightenment. In Aikido, we try to recreate these same Laws of Nature to promote and activate these spiritual energies to sustain a better life. Everything that means anything in the Universe is, incorporated into the techniques and principles of Aikido. That is why understanding the Tao, the Five Elements, and the principles of Yin and Yang must be “acquired” to achieve a sense of fulfillment. Aikido techniques are often misunderstood as physical applications of martial ways because individuals cannot accept the philosophical requirements or are afraid of "letting go" of their inner selves. The Ikkyo's and Nikyo's are important techniques, but more importantly, - for one to look past the physical technique and appreciate the spiritual implications.

To do this we have to recognize the virtues of man and sacrifice a part of ourselves. Compassion is a virtue, that simplifies the first step of the ladder to self-realization. The ingredients of compassion are joy, respect, honesty, truth, understanding, sharing, caring, kindness, and any positive emotion we can think of. The hardest thing is to recognize these emotions in ourselves, which is the first barrier to overcome. Some may have, an understanding of the "Tao system" of life but do they experience the Tao of Life? Can they honestly claim they have felt the spiritual energy that links them to the beginning of time?

In my experience, I have found many who deny themselves the great joy that awaits them, because not having the courage to face up to life and only use acquired intellect to justify life. Quoting words of wisdom does not signify greatness, but humility gives us a chance to move on. Aikido is not the only way of achieving satori but is a profound implication in our lives because of what it represents. To truly, understand Aikido, we must also have a spiritual yearning, which could be why this particular art has caused confusion in many quarters. To seek spiritual fulfillment does not mean following a "religion" or, believing in a God. However, having a strong religious belief, and understanding of Tao and Aikido principles only serves to embrace the purity of whatever we believe in.

What is God?

If God is everything good then surely God is “embodied” in the essence of Ki. God has many different names and meanings to different orders but most will agree God is the same entity in whatever beliefs we hold. Even the "origin" of martial ways was born from man's commitment to condition his body and discipline his mind to receive spiritual salvation. It is, not meant to be a tool to destroy life or oppress society, but to create opportunities for individuals to seek internal growth. We can recognize the evils of men and women who have gained a place in history but are blind to our shortcomings and cannot accept the reality of life. Look again at the virtues that have made us what we are and re-evaluate the boundaries that we have set ourselves. We must push ourselves beyond what we believe are our limits. - We must reach out into the realms of the unknown. We must strive to be compassionate, and accepting, while making sacrifices for our fellow human beings. Face our fears with honesty and come to terms with our anger and soon we will realize the existence of Ki. It is only through love, not an earthly love, but the spiritual love of life and creation that was born at the start of time and manifests in the Great Void of Space, of which we are part.

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