Saturday 22 June 2024

A time to Reflect...


Unfettered and alone, on a samurai journey - seeking his destiny to serve, he comes upon an isolated stream deep in an unknown forest. He finds the alluring sound of water cascading in a relentless flow. After bathing in its cool refreshing waters, the enemy that stalks his soul manifests in the questions of the heart. The enemy constantly tugs at his conscience, is the enemy that lives deep within.

In Mokuso, he hears the forest talk through its denizens of nature. He gains strength as countless sounds of nature echo through the trees carried on the breeze of the earth’s breath. They reassure and feed the hunger that drives him on his eternal journey, of life. It is a time to reflect and relive the glorious battles of life.

His battles have intertwined with many. Some have been good and others have left their scars. These are the battles, that fire the heart and forge friendships and lasting memories. Every battle; even those that have been victorious, has taken another little piece of him. It is the burden he will constantly bear on his never-ending journey on the twisting road of life.

But today he will rest, relax, and finish the way of misogi. For, within the spray of the waterfall, he will draw his sword to complete the trial of spiritual cleansing. He becomes one with himself and makes a cut – a cut with absolute precision that separates the air. With each cut a demon from within falls. Each demon is a manifestation, of his inner self that can only be banished through regular cuts of the sword made with perfection, commitment, and from the heart. The cut demons disperse in a shower of swirling light, as the sword, cuts the air.

Tonight he will sleep under the stars, knowing, he has performed the ritual of "cleansing", to grant him peace for another day. Tomorrow the lone samurai will continue his journey, leaving behind the legacy of peace and harmony for others to experience. He has an even stronger understanding of his destiny to serve with honor and compassion.

Awaken the “samurai” that dwells within us as - we too, each have a destiny to follow. It is a destiny to serve, protect, and achieve enlightenment. Do not be afraid of the path, that has been created by those who have traveled before us. Walk with humbleness and face the encounters with our inner enemies with an act of profound courage to provide an even safer path for those who follow. This is the way of the samurai…

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